I think I'm going to marry Santa Clause. I had a great Christmas and can't believe it is all over already....although not long till my 21st now!!
I got a Sat Nav and a tent as my main presents so i think this calls for a road trip!! I'm well excited.....all i have to do is get time off work...and maybe wait till the summer for some warmer weather.
I was just as excited as any other year, i worked lates on Christmas eve until about 10.30 in the hope this would tire me out so i could sleep. How wrong was I!!?? Me and Samantha who are meant to be the grown up ones didn't sleep at all but Darrell managed alright!
Christmas dinner was yummy as always and is topped off with a glass of wine. A few glasses and many giggles later more presents were opened...Santa really was a busy boy. Darrell got University Challenge game so we played that for a while.....I WON!!!!
Then straight back to work for me, which sucks ass! So in the whole festive period i managed to have Christmas day off! Anybody would think I had a really important job where people couldn't survive without me but no it's just burgers and chips!!
Saturday, 29 December 2007
Sunday, 16 December 2007

It's freezing, but not as cold as Nottingham?? Whats that about, my dad said it was minus 2 yesterday and it was roughly 4 degrees here but i swear more like minus 19!!! Samantha and I erected Gran's Christmas tree, which doesn't look that bad!
The only person i have completed Christmas shopping for is Harriet, I had all her stuff in October but then decided to give it too her so then i had to go shopping again. Well thanks to Charlotte I didn't even leave the house, she found a trolley and basket with shopping so i have got her that. I can't believe how she has grown. She is a proper little madam now!
So tomorrow take form of shopping....i HATE shopping. As we have flown up here we have to be careful of weights to take things back with us. If i don't finish shopping tomorrow everyone is having money as I'm back to college on Wednesday and back to work until Christmas day then! So the pressure is really on!! arrgghhh
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Off to visit Grannie!!
Me and Samantha are off to Aberdeen tomorrow to see my grandparents. We are flying...i know seems pretty lazy, but believe it or not for both of us to fly return for 6 days, it is cheaper than it would be to drive!!! Samantha has never been on a plane before so this will be interesting!! he he he.
If i have time to pack properly i am planning on taking my laptop so i can do some of the million essays i have pilling up for college! ugh! So i may keep you updated while I'm away.
Finally getting over this stupid glands thing, feeling 1000 times better than a couple of days ago. I think the rest is just what i need, no work!! woo hoo, with my sick days and now the hol i will have had nearly 2 weeks off!!
If i have time to pack properly i am planning on taking my laptop so i can do some of the million essays i have pilling up for college! ugh! So i may keep you updated while I'm away.
Finally getting over this stupid glands thing, feeling 1000 times better than a couple of days ago. I think the rest is just what i need, no work!! woo hoo, with my sick days and now the hol i will have had nearly 2 weeks off!!
Monday, 10 December 2007
Christmas Party
Well it was that time of year again where I have no choice but to be associated with all my crew members!! The Christmas Party, this year i vowed to get wasted and let them look after themselves as last year i ended up in A&E with someone who had been fighting and the year before bailing someone out of prison!! So this year I was going to let someone else deal with it!
So i did just that!! I probably haven't drank that much since i was about 15!! I went out in some high heeled boots which only stayed on for about 2 pubs then i just gave up! But to my shame i had red socks on...of all colours.. RED! I have a purple/blue top on, dark grey trousers then these bright RED socks!! Ok i suppose they were festive!
I also managed to acquire an inflatable penis! Which amused me no end, for most of the night. I drank too much and apparently verbally abused a few of my crew calling them prostitutes!...which they probably are but it isn't very professional to accuse them is it?! Oh well and least nobody took it too seriously.
I had to work Thursday morning and man did i know about it. I was still extremely drunk when i staggered through the dinning area with both my assistant manager and store manager giving me their disapproving look...well i didn't ask them to schedule me that day did I?!?!
I've been poorly sick since Friday though...No it isn't just an extra long hang over! I feel dreadful. I think every gland in my neck and face have become infected and swollen up. It hurts to even sip water! I've now taken three days off work and feel a tiny bit better. Hopefully I'll be all mended by Thursday as I'm off to visit my Gran and Grandad in Aberdeen!! woohoo.
Saturday, 24 November 2007
I didn't get through... : (
I didn't make it any further than the final for Beijing but I'm not surprised the competition was high. All were managers and only two crew, some of the managers were even salaried. I gave it ago so at least i tried!!
I got a beautiful Olympic T-shirt...which i put on back to front to start with....how stupid did I feel!!! lol. And a 1GB ipod shuffle which is personalised with crew Olympic competition 24/11/07 which I think is a nice touch.
I got a beautiful Olympic T-shirt...which i put on back to front to start with....how stupid did I feel!!! lol. And a 1GB ipod shuffle which is personalised with crew Olympic competition 24/11/07 which I think is a nice touch.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
I'm getting excited now!!! (about everything!!)
It is very very nearly Christmas!! I'm so very excited!! Christmas songs have started playing at work and yesterday the came to put up the decorations!!! WOOHOO!!! Although I'm sure by the time Christmas actually gets here I will be sick to death of the songs as at the minute they are playing every 3 or 4 songs as it gets closer it'll be every other one and on a 10 hour shift I am bound to hear the same song a Million times!!
The final is approaching quickly......I'm getting a little nervous but I am still excited at the same time. We had to send a picture in of ourselves in and it took me hours to decide which one to send it. I'm not sure why I am going to meet them on Saturday! I will let you all know how it goes so keep your fingers crossed for me!
I went to 'Meadowhell' last night....i hate shopping at the best times never mind at Christmas! However i managed to get a few bits and bobs. Got Darrell's birthday present which I am quite impressed by! I will post a pic of it when he's had it, wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.
Right off to college to learn something about common law!!?? I have about a million assignments on common law so if anybody knows anything about it HELP!!!!
The final is approaching quickly......I'm getting a little nervous but I am still excited at the same time. We had to send a picture in of ourselves in and it took me hours to decide which one to send it. I'm not sure why I am going to meet them on Saturday! I will let you all know how it goes so keep your fingers crossed for me!
I went to 'Meadowhell' last night....i hate shopping at the best times never mind at Christmas! However i managed to get a few bits and bobs. Got Darrell's birthday present which I am quite impressed by! I will post a pic of it when he's had it, wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.
Right off to college to learn something about common law!!?? I have about a million assignments on common law so if anybody knows anything about it HELP!!!!
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
I'm through to the final!! woohoo
Remember me telling you all I'd applied to go work for McDonald's in the Olympic Village next year? Well today I had an e-mail confirming I'd been pick for the final!! OMG! Out of all the people that applied only 16 got picked which all go for the trails in two weeks time at Leicester. From that only 6 people will get a place! I can't believe I even got short listed! If I don't make it any further at least I gave it ago. We will work a station for an hour and be assessed on : Job knowledge, Performance, Personality and attitude. I think for the next two weeks I will be reading my QRG (quality reference guide) This is like the McBible. I'm really pleased I have made it this far....although I didn't really do a lot apart from fill in an application form.
I've been to the gym today first time in ages and I mean ages! I've decided I am going to be committed and go at least twice a week. I really wanna lose a couple of stone then I'll be happy....well probably not 'happy' but happier about the way I look.
Oh I am so very excited about Christmas! Mum and Dad want a list writing but I'm too excited to think what I want! Luckily I have chosen all the worst shifts at wok over Christmas to make sure i am tired enough to sleep.....last year it worked...well ok only until about 5.30am!! I know what you are all thinking this woman is 20 years old....I only become this childish at Christmas....honestly. Come on my whole family (yes this may embarrass you all) knock on the living room door saying "izzy wizzy lets get busy" before we are allowed in the living room! You're never to old to do things like that!!
Right I'm off to bed...very tired after my day of confusing study ...common law anyone know anything about it?
I've been to the gym today first time in ages and I mean ages! I've decided I am going to be committed and go at least twice a week. I really wanna lose a couple of stone then I'll be happy....well probably not 'happy' but happier about the way I look.
Oh I am so very excited about Christmas! Mum and Dad want a list writing but I'm too excited to think what I want! Luckily I have chosen all the worst shifts at wok over Christmas to make sure i am tired enough to sleep.....last year it worked...well ok only until about 5.30am!! I know what you are all thinking this woman is 20 years old....I only become this childish at Christmas....honestly. Come on my whole family (yes this may embarrass you all) knock on the living room door saying "izzy wizzy lets get busy" before we are allowed in the living room! You're never to old to do things like that!!
Right I'm off to bed...very tired after my day of confusing study ...common law anyone know anything about it?
Saturday, 10 November 2007
My luck needs to change!!
This last week has been horrendous! This all revolves around work...it sucks ass! Thursday night I was doing the close as I have very high standards...well as high as people who work for McDonald's have lol. We were having an operations review which is extremely important to us as a store. well one staff member went home sick, the other to hospital in an ambulance...had blue lights and everything! Which finally left me with one crew member, myself and a s**t load of work to do. Needless to say I started work at 2pm Thursday and finally clocked out at 7am Friday!!
Then with less than 4 hours sleep I went back with high spirits. Although I looked like I'd been smack in the face with my puffy eyes. Finished work at 8ish, birthday get together for mum (happy 95th!) and back to work at 4.30am! I LOVE MY JOB! Well actually there must be something about it or else i still wouldn't be there would I?
My work load at college is ever more growing so better get a shift on! However on a tiny positive note I finally finished unpacking my clothes...although there is still some stuff boxed up this is a move in the right direction!!
The count down to Christmas is upon us! Must say I am a little excited!
Then with less than 4 hours sleep I went back with high spirits. Although I looked like I'd been smack in the face with my puffy eyes. Finished work at 8ish, birthday get together for mum (happy 95th!) and back to work at 4.30am! I LOVE MY JOB! Well actually there must be something about it or else i still wouldn't be there would I?
My work load at college is ever more growing so better get a shift on! However on a tiny positive note I finally finished unpacking my clothes...although there is still some stuff boxed up this is a move in the right direction!!
The count down to Christmas is upon us! Must say I am a little excited!
Friday, 2 November 2007
Sing star
OMG where has this year gone? I can't believe it seems like two minutes since this time last year. I'm sure the older you get the faster everything flies past you...how scary! I will be 21 in like 9 weeks.....it only feels like yesterday when i was dying to be 16!!!
I started Christmas shopping yesterday and to be fair it was a pretty poor outing. I hate shopping anyway and i went with a lad from work and it was even harder!! Although I did buy myself a new sing star game for the playstation 2. Last year for my birthday Samantha bought me the microphones and games for it. If you have never heard of it or played you have to sing the song and try and hit all the notes. It grades you on your tone and gives you an overall rating like tone deaf or lead singer. I must admit we are all a lot better now and get quite competitive about it. The new CD is RnB which I'm not really a fan of but got some well good songs on. Harriet thinks herself a bit of a lead singer i think! I have 80's hits which is the best and mum and dad know all the words. Mum is pretty good at it but Dad is just funny....he gets well into it. I get excited and start dancing , plus it puts everyone else off!!
Right I am now going to sort my room out as I still have not out anything back in place since i came back all those weeks ago. Had to come home from work today poorly so need to take it easy! : (
Sunday, 28 October 2007

What a fantastic night had by all! Normally something goes wrong..fights, crying, injuries but this night nothing. I really enjoyed myself. I've never been out in Chesterfield as it is quite a way from home, especially at 3 in the morning when you are wasted!!
I have become a bit of a lightweight during recent years so hadn't had a drink since about easter so I pushed the boat out! I'm blaming this all on Scott as he was encouraging me to have shots... Ok he wasn't really he said i should have one not six!! lol
Unfortunately i was the only person stupid enough not to book the next day off work...so needless to say breakfast kitchen was enjoyable for me!! I managed not to be sick at all which i'm mega impressed by!!
Christmas has come early. My auntie Sue is leaving to live in Canada for a while and won't be around for Christmas...so today I've had Christmas dinner..yummy, although Santa hasn't been today he has for Harriet. I just can't help myself. I went to Toys' R US on Thursday as it is my friends babies 1st birthday so i went present shopping. I got Harriet a Trike and I've given it to her today!! She Loves it!!
Sorry about the disturbing toga pictures!!
Thursday, 25 October 2007
The Deep
Yesterday I decided i wanted to go and do something fun as all I do is go to work for a million hours come back tired out and go to bed. I had a really rough weekend working nearly 40 hours in 3 days!! So I decided I deserved a treat. Jason and myself went to 'The Deep' in Hull about 3 years ago and we had a fantastic time. Yes I know it is designed for kids but it is great fun! So after i had been to work to finish the schedule me, Darrell and Jason all set off. I was a little unsure to whether Darrell would like it with him being 14 and cool!!
I am very unorganised as normal and never thought to take a camera so pictures are just off my phone again so sorry the quality isn't amazing! But it is pretty difficult to get pictures when the fish are swimming around I think someone needs to teach them to pose for us!
We later went into Hull for lunch and found Pizza Hut which Darrell LOVES!! So we had the buffet lunch all you can eat thing. The guys on the table next to us no word of a lie must have eaten 70 pieces of pizza and chicken wings on top of that!! I thought Darrell did well with 9 pieces! I was going to try and get a picture of the stack of pizza crusts but i thought that might be quite rude!!!
I'm now off to buy birthday presents and something to wear Saturday night.....I HATE SHOPPING! I'm sure i was meant to be a man!!
Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Haven't felt like blogging for past few days but now I'm back. Today I have applied to go and work in the Olympic Village for the 2008 games in China. If my application is successful I will go and work for McDonald's out there for between 2 weeks and 2 months with all expenses paid!! woohoo! So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I am going to also apply to go to Rome to work we have cheesy things called McPassports which allows to go and work in other countries. Good idea but cheesy just like everything that place does.
Today I am going into a school to give a presentation on McDonald's and it's people practices.......so wish me luck I may get eaten alive!! It seems there is a trend emerging with what i agree to do...firstly I agree to give this presentation next I agree to make costumes for my uncles theatre company and last I have agreed to go out in a toga for Toni's 21st birthday!! oh what am i getting myself into!! I went to make my toga the other night and to be fair it's not looking that bad....i have a skirt made out of a bed sheet and then we have been adapting a top as I don't want to be half naked!! This event is next weekend so photo to follow!!
I was sorting through all the pictures on my computer as it's getting slow now and i found this one...it is one of my favorite of Harriet. She loves her belly and lifts her top up...but this one she was fast asleep and luckily speedy Charlotte got me a pic of it!
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
First day back to college
I started back to college today, I was really nervous and I shouldn't have been. It was like I never went away. I still got the same old abuse of my friend Deb and was great to see my bestest bud Graham again! So thanks guys for making me feel welcome again!
I still haven't managed to unpack yet...well not that I have tried very hard to be honest. It can stay like that for me as I can face putting everything back!! I know I'm lazy. Worked everyday since I've been back suppose it takes my mind off things. Nothing ever changes though I had the Police out the other night to deal with the most awful teenagers I think i have ever met. I'm sure i wasn't like that when i was their age!!! One of them tried to spit in my face last week so i said i wouldn't serve them so the abuse started then. They soon shut up when police took them all in and cautioned them for verbal abuse!! hahahaha! Horrid children!
The other night me, Samantha, Charlotte, Darrell and Jason oh and not forgetting unc John were all playing rapidough...if you haven't played it you don't know what you're missing! i was on Samantha's team which was going to be trouble from the start. Normally i get sooooo mardy if someone cheats and throw the board in the air! Yet this game I was getting so excited I couldn't help myself but cheat. The aim of the game is to make your dough into whatever it says on the card. Which ever teams guesses first wins and takes a chunk of the other players dough to make it harder for them. I must say i did actually guess some although I'm usually rubbish at these kind of games.
I am going to add some pics of the board and also of the day out to rufford as i have now got round to finding the lead to download them from my phone. The hobby front is still looking rather gloomy and looks like I should pick up an extra shift a week! NOOOOO!!!
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Back in to education.
On a more positive not than the one on Thursdays i have secured myself a place to study a HND in Business management and Finance. I started this course last year and finished it with a HNC. This basically counts for a first year at uni. HND 2nd and then you go and do a top up year somewhere. This means i will get a degree from a university just not Swansea. Everyone has been so supportive and said just do what makes you happy ...but god i didn't want to make the decision!! the best piece of advice was "a degree is a degree no matter where you get it from as long as you are happy" This made me think, yes I'm dropping out of Swansea but not out of education all together. I will end up saving a lot of money, be happy...well i bloody hope so now after all this and will be with all my family and most of my friends. The friends i am not near i can and will come and visit at some point I promise!! So thank you to everyone who has been supportive and not judgmental and has given me good advice. Especially my mum, you think i don't appreciate it but i do. So there it is public now!!!!!
Started back to work today and never received so many hugs even more than when i left!! Loads of people have said glad to have you back which is really nice of them. Now back to the same old same old. That is the only thing I am worried about just falling back into the mind numbingly same routine. I need a hobby or something so any ideas anyone?!
Harriet's vocab is coming a long great now. It's really funny and I love it when she copies us. Samantha, Charlotte, Harriet and I went to Rufford park on Friday and had a nice walk round the lake and fed some quack quacks. Although she did fall down and end up head to toe covered in soil...which isn't funny but man she looked hilarious and even got a mouth full! I have got some pics of the day but i am too tired to be faffing around. I am back at work at 5.30am for the open and it is now 23.57. The time my blog says is wrong and i have no idea how to change it!?! Any ideas Louise?
Will be back with pics tomorrow once I've done my shift and eaten Sunday dinner and many YORKSHIRE PUDS!!! yummy. Sunday is my fav day although it is the end of the weekend and nothing on TV but you get Sunday dinner i spend all week waiting for it to come around from Sunday tea time!!
Started back to work today and never received so many hugs even more than when i left!! Loads of people have said glad to have you back which is really nice of them. Now back to the same old same old. That is the only thing I am worried about just falling back into the mind numbingly same routine. I need a hobby or something so any ideas anyone?!
Harriet's vocab is coming a long great now. It's really funny and I love it when she copies us. Samantha, Charlotte, Harriet and I went to Rufford park on Friday and had a nice walk round the lake and fed some quack quacks. Although she did fall down and end up head to toe covered in soil...which isn't funny but man she looked hilarious and even got a mouth full! I have got some pics of the day but i am too tired to be faffing around. I am back at work at 5.30am for the open and it is now 23.57. The time my blog says is wrong and i have no idea how to change it!?! Any ideas Louise?
Will be back with pics tomorrow once I've done my shift and eaten Sunday dinner and many YORKSHIRE PUDS!!! yummy. Sunday is my fav day although it is the end of the weekend and nothing on TV but you get Sunday dinner i spend all week waiting for it to come around from Sunday tea time!!
Friday, 5 October 2007
I've been tagged apparently!?
According to Louise I had been tagged and have to answer the following questions i think? Hope this is right!
4 Places I have worked:
Well when i was young I used to deliver leaflets with my friend Amy....this really was slave labour I'm sure we had to deliver 250 for £5! We thought wow £5.....no not at all we didn't last very long at this. My first 'real' job was in Scott's the bakery which was called the Robin Hood bakery at the time. I got an amazing £2.50 an hour and used to work Saturdays. This job was ok apart from the spider cupboard which they used to make me clean out....I HATE spiders! oh and touching meat...yak! Ding Dong Avon calling was another one of my jobs when i was about 16. This was easy money. I had a great round and always made plenty of commission. My final and present job is working for McDonald's. I have progressed up the ladder in the four years i have worked there and I am now a shift runner. The job is ok for the time being and according to my performance review I'm quite good at it?! (not sure where they got that idea from!)
4 places i have visited
I didn't go on a plane until i was 18 so the first place i have got to say is Morocco. What a fantastic place. The first few days were a little alien to me but then i got the hang of it. We stayed in Agadir but visit Marrakech which took us three hours to get there, but was worth it. Although i did get heat stroke and pass out and throw up everywhere. Do you blame me it was like 45 degrees. I had a fantastic time as the place was not too touristy so you could really embrace the culture. I'd love to go back again. The follow year I went to turkey, this i did not enjoy so much. We were out there during the world cup so i enjoyed the football and the beer but not the sleazy men. I went scuba diving, white water rafting and a few other things so it was an action packed holiday but full of tourist which isn't really my thing. Although i am a tourist i know what you are thinking. This year i went away for the week with my parents and Darrell to somewhere near St. Ives so i could revise. We visited the Minack theatre and i thought this was AMAZING. If you are every there go honestly the views and the sculpting is fantastic. Also somewhere i used to visit a lot when i first started driving was the Yorkshire sculpture park I went twice with schoo and now i have been about 8. I love everything about the place. If you have never been go.
4 fav foods
YORKSHIRE PUDDINGS...can i say them four times?! No really i love Yorkshire puddings especially home made ones. Ice cream...who doesn't like ice cream. Pineapple..yummy i like it out of a tin or fresh. I love steak too especially with creamy peppercorn sauce. As you can see nothing very exciting there from me.
4 places i'd rather be
In bed...although technically i am in bed but not sleeping so i should say sleeping in bed. Somewhere, anywhere would do, on a beach in the sun with a cocktail in my hand. On the catwalk as it would mean i would be skinny!! yay!! out shopping with loads of money...but only when I'm skinny.
Think that answers all the questions.
4 Places I have worked:
Well when i was young I used to deliver leaflets with my friend Amy....this really was slave labour I'm sure we had to deliver 250 for £5! We thought wow £5.....no not at all we didn't last very long at this. My first 'real' job was in Scott's the bakery which was called the Robin Hood bakery at the time. I got an amazing £2.50 an hour and used to work Saturdays. This job was ok apart from the spider cupboard which they used to make me clean out....I HATE spiders! oh and touching meat...yak! Ding Dong Avon calling was another one of my jobs when i was about 16. This was easy money. I had a great round and always made plenty of commission. My final and present job is working for McDonald's. I have progressed up the ladder in the four years i have worked there and I am now a shift runner. The job is ok for the time being and according to my performance review I'm quite good at it?! (not sure where they got that idea from!)
4 places i have visited
I didn't go on a plane until i was 18 so the first place i have got to say is Morocco. What a fantastic place. The first few days were a little alien to me but then i got the hang of it. We stayed in Agadir but visit Marrakech which took us three hours to get there, but was worth it. Although i did get heat stroke and pass out and throw up everywhere. Do you blame me it was like 45 degrees. I had a fantastic time as the place was not too touristy so you could really embrace the culture. I'd love to go back again. The follow year I went to turkey, this i did not enjoy so much. We were out there during the world cup so i enjoyed the football and the beer but not the sleazy men. I went scuba diving, white water rafting and a few other things so it was an action packed holiday but full of tourist which isn't really my thing. Although i am a tourist i know what you are thinking. This year i went away for the week with my parents and Darrell to somewhere near St. Ives so i could revise. We visited the Minack theatre and i thought this was AMAZING. If you are every there go honestly the views and the sculpting is fantastic. Also somewhere i used to visit a lot when i first started driving was the Yorkshire sculpture park I went twice with schoo and now i have been about 8. I love everything about the place. If you have never been go.
4 fav foods
YORKSHIRE PUDDINGS...can i say them four times?! No really i love Yorkshire puddings especially home made ones. Ice cream...who doesn't like ice cream. Pineapple..yummy i like it out of a tin or fresh. I love steak too especially with creamy peppercorn sauce. As you can see nothing very exciting there from me.
4 places i'd rather be
In bed...although technically i am in bed but not sleeping so i should say sleeping in bed. Somewhere, anywhere would do, on a beach in the sun with a cocktail in my hand. On the catwalk as it would mean i would be skinny!! yay!! out shopping with loads of money...but only when I'm skinny.
Think that answers all the questions.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
I'm sad to say i am going to become another one of those statistics the university drop outs! I've tried to be brave and put of the face but it just isn't working. I've used two full boxes of tissues and about 10 sleeves since I've been here, and that just isn't me. I cry of course but no more than the average hormonal woman!
I cannot believe that one group of people can make me feel like this. You may all be there saying move flats which yes is a good idea but takes ages to do. The course outlines have changed so i am taking core modules for every first year degree that takes place within the school of business and economics which means I will be doing stuff that will in the future not help me. If i wanted to spend 4 hours a week doing economics and 1 hour doing business management i would have taken an economics course not an international business management course!!
But fear not i will not be leaving education just yet not sure what i will do but right now i just need to get out of this places and stop crying!! I know you all probably think i'm giving up to easy and part of me does but part of me is telling me to go away from the things making me feel vulnerable and emotional. If you are going to leave mean comments please don't as i already feel like a FAILURE!
I'm sorry to everyone who has invested in me with pots and pans etc or money or just time being supportive, i do appreciate everything that has been done for me. thank you x
I cannot believe that one group of people can make me feel like this. You may all be there saying move flats which yes is a good idea but takes ages to do. The course outlines have changed so i am taking core modules for every first year degree that takes place within the school of business and economics which means I will be doing stuff that will in the future not help me. If i wanted to spend 4 hours a week doing economics and 1 hour doing business management i would have taken an economics course not an international business management course!!
But fear not i will not be leaving education just yet not sure what i will do but right now i just need to get out of this places and stop crying!! I know you all probably think i'm giving up to easy and part of me does but part of me is telling me to go away from the things making me feel vulnerable and emotional. If you are going to leave mean comments please don't as i already feel like a FAILURE!
I'm sorry to everyone who has invested in me with pots and pans etc or money or just time being supportive, i do appreciate everything that has been done for me. thank you x
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Well i have now been to at least one lecture on every subject i will be taking for the next 20 weeks. Some seem really good and can't wait to get into them but others seem a little more difficult. Mathematic with business and economics sounds well hard. I had to take a test to see how good i am at maths this pointed out exactly what i thought...not only am i rusty i am seized up with a mega 16%!! The questions were well hard (hence the result!) It has been like 6 years since i did maths GCSE as i took mine a year early. Algebra and fractions have long left my mind. Not to worry though i bought an amazing text book (well it wants to be for the money) to help me get back into it.
I think i have just about found all the rooms i will be having lectures or tutorials in. God help me if they ever move us around!! You can tell who all the first years are as we all walk around the campus with our mouths open trying to read signs and match it to our maps!! It's like hundreds of tourists all in one place!
Can anyone enlighten me to when tuning in a TV became so complex!?! Yes i know i am a woman but these things are usually quite self-explanatory yet it took me around 3 hours to tune mine in and still i do not have the right channels on the right number!! I have welsh TV and all kinds of things.
I have finally made it to the beach today although it was cold and dull i thought i'd go and see what was around. I visited Mumbles Pier it is not how you would imagine a pier as i always think of the big grand ones but this is little an old. The picture will be somewhere on here (not quite sure how to position them how i want yet!)
As i didn't blog yesterday HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Charlotte. Sorry i couldn't be there but at least you got a card and present...better than when i am there!! hahaha
Monday, 1 October 2007
oh how I ache!
Think I'm getting old, every bit of me aches! I went home Tuesday night and worked everyday until i came home, which doesn't sound a lot I know but man those shifts were hard!! Although i must say i enjoyed them all apart from Sunday's on which the Grill blew up, the shake machine broke down and i ended up covered in ice cream from the pump. So this obviously meant we had more abusive customers....oh how i love them!! However the Saturday shift was mint, i really enjoyed myself. I always say to people "hurry up i could run circles round you" and that day myself and two fellow managers (the best ones!) actually did run rings round people...how there were no accidents i will never know. After that shift all three of us went for a well deserved pint, well shandy to be exact.
I'm back to Wales now and the drive back wasn't to bad. Ironically as soon as I'd past the 'Welcome to Wales' sign it started to rain!! I don't mind though rain doesn't bother me. Driving back on Tuesday it was raining the funny fine stuff which soaks you, before you say it all rain is wet rain but this kind is just annoying (I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about!) and there were three rainbows...i love rainbows not sure why just think they are amazing.
Although i am now wide awake i suppose i should go to bed so i am ready to go in the morning to for my first lecture. How exciting but a little nerve racking.
I'm back to Wales now and the drive back wasn't to bad. Ironically as soon as I'd past the 'Welcome to Wales' sign it started to rain!! I don't mind though rain doesn't bother me. Driving back on Tuesday it was raining the funny fine stuff which soaks you, before you say it all rain is wet rain but this kind is just annoying (I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about!) and there were three rainbows...i love rainbows not sure why just think they are amazing.
Although i am now wide awake i suppose i should go to bed so i am ready to go in the morning to for my first lecture. How exciting but a little nerve racking.
Monday, 24 September 2007
Enrollment day
Well been in to enroll today, oh how very confusing!! I was sent to 3 different places before finally getting to the right part of campus never mind the right room. I have now been told i have nothing until Monday ...why!!! So i am going home and working a few shifts. I've met a nice girl from my course today but she is living at home so and working so won't see her until next week.
I managed to grab a few posters today...not everyone's taste I know but reminds me of being little!! Button moon!!! Only bought a few pics so I am going to get some more when I go home. I've tried to take pics on my phone as batteries on dig cam are dead and couldn't be bothered to go get some...YES I have become lazy already!!! So the pics aren't amazing, sadly you can't really see the colour of my walls either : ( i will get some batteries to give you a better look.
The nice kind people who i will loosely call my flat mates came in this morning around 2.00am and put the radio on full blast for about 45 mins!! I don't mind a bit of noise when they come in etc but i think this was just rude! I even gave them my left over pizza....next time i'll put it in the bin!
Sunday, 23 September 2007
I've arrived in Swansea.
I've arrived in real true Welsh weather....rain, rain and more rain. It was a pretty long drive of nearly 5 hours with more than usual annoying incompetent drivers on the roads!!!!
My flat is full of welsh people they are all locals with the furthest being half an hours drive away.....so not only an outsider I'm elderly too! They all seem pretty friendly though with 3 boys and 4 girls in the flat a nice mixture.
I couldn't get a parking space yesterday and i had to park right at the bottom of a 'hill' which felt more like a mountain while carrying all my worldly possessions up it...must have burnt a few calories though so thats the bright side.
Well what to say, we don't have any hot water for baths or to wash up in as our boiler is knackered already. The sink in the bathroom leaks and my window is covered in something which I'd rather not know what it was!!(True dirty student digs!)
My room is pretty big and has yellowy creamy coloured walls, kind of gold curtains and a beautiful brown flecked carpet. ( can you all visualise my new room?) I have a nice laver lamp which emits quite a lot of heat which i am pleasantly surprised by. (Thanks for the pressie auntie sue)
Thank you to Mum, Dad, Nana and Grandad for all the stuff you bought me and gave me to help me get set up, couldn't have done it without you. Samantha, Charlotte, Darrell, Harriet and extended family (Alan and Jason) thanks for all the bits and bobs you lot bought me too.
Thank you to all of my friends (you know who you are) Who have given me support and encouragement to do this. Thank you to everyone!
Ann I'm thinking of you and I'm never too far away, i can't imagine what you are going through I'm only a phone call away.
My flat is full of welsh people they are all locals with the furthest being half an hours drive away.....so not only an outsider I'm elderly too! They all seem pretty friendly though with 3 boys and 4 girls in the flat a nice mixture.
I couldn't get a parking space yesterday and i had to park right at the bottom of a 'hill' which felt more like a mountain while carrying all my worldly possessions up it...must have burnt a few calories though so thats the bright side.
Well what to say, we don't have any hot water for baths or to wash up in as our boiler is knackered already. The sink in the bathroom leaks and my window is covered in something which I'd rather not know what it was!!(True dirty student digs!)
My room is pretty big and has yellowy creamy coloured walls, kind of gold curtains and a beautiful brown flecked carpet. ( can you all visualise my new room?) I have a nice laver lamp which emits quite a lot of heat which i am pleasantly surprised by. (Thanks for the pressie auntie sue)
Thank you to Mum, Dad, Nana and Grandad for all the stuff you bought me and gave me to help me get set up, couldn't have done it without you. Samantha, Charlotte, Darrell, Harriet and extended family (Alan and Jason) thanks for all the bits and bobs you lot bought me too.
Thank you to all of my friends (you know who you are) Who have given me support and encouragement to do this. Thank you to everyone!
Ann I'm thinking of you and I'm never too far away, i can't imagine what you are going through I'm only a phone call away.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Alton Towers
Been to Alton Towers today on a crew day out from work, I've had a fantastic time. I really shocked myself. I love Alton Towers it is just normally when i go out with work something goes wrong and i end up first aiding or something crazy. This crew event was fun and i didn't feel like everyone's mother. (first in four years!!)
Sadly no pics tho as i forgot my camera and my phone camera wasn't good for pics like that. All the pictures from the rides were rubbish, i managed to have a hairy face for about 85% of pics and the rest i had my face screwed up on.
As my "leaving presents" i was given the cuddly toys won out those machines that nobody ever wants! However Harriet was pretty pleased with them, if only they stayed like that forever! It has been an overall exhausting day, you wonder why but you do loads of walking and run and generally being hyper active. As i always drive everywhere i took a car full and the drive back was awful it seemed to take FOREVER!! My little car 1.4 Bravo trying to pull 5 adults up and down those twisty country roads wasn't to happy but we made it!!
Got all the packing and wrapping to do tomorrow! I am leaving in approximately 35 hours...scary!!
Sadly no pics tho as i forgot my camera and my phone camera wasn't good for pics like that. All the pictures from the rides were rubbish, i managed to have a hairy face for about 85% of pics and the rest i had my face screwed up on.
As my "leaving presents" i was given the cuddly toys won out those machines that nobody ever wants! However Harriet was pretty pleased with them, if only they stayed like that forever! It has been an overall exhausting day, you wonder why but you do loads of walking and run and generally being hyper active. As i always drive everywhere i took a car full and the drive back was awful it seemed to take FOREVER!! My little car 1.4 Bravo trying to pull 5 adults up and down those twisty country roads wasn't to happy but we made it!!
Got all the packing and wrapping to do tomorrow! I am leaving in approximately 35 hours...scary!!
Monday, 17 September 2007
The last shift is over!!
Finally mastered the art of phone files etc. So here are some pics of Tuesday night at the mini leaving evening. They may not look so clear as came off phone. Got a busy week a head and will keep you all posted.
Well it's all over!! No more work, well at least until i find one in Swansea. I must say my last shift was amazing....NOT. Short staffed and busy so no change there then. Finished an hour and half late and only one person wished me luck. Thats what you get for 4 years hard work. Not to bothered though as I will be seeing them Thursday for our staff event. We are going to Alton Towers....how original! Will post pics of that day out.
Got a busy week a head and will keep you all posted.Over and out for now and I will leave you in peace.
Friday, 14 September 2007
7 days to go!! arrgghh
7 days until i leave for Wales. There is so much packing it is unreal. As i have decided to go on my own anything that doesn't fit in my car isn't coming so i have to be strong and leave stuff behind! Last night i was putting my clothes into piles of what i want to take and what i don't.....i even forgot i had some of the things and most of it doesn't fit. So when i am all settled in i AM going to loose weight.
2 more shifts left at work sadly i have to run one of them so won't be as much fun. I got a present from 2 customers last night which was really thoughtful of them.
My mini leaving drinks with a few friends was a right good laugh. Apart from the steak knife incident although it was pretty funny but we shouldn't laugh!! i have got pictures of the night on my phone but it is a right pain to upload them, if i get chance i'll try add them so you can see the mayhem caused in Mansfield!
2 more shifts left at work sadly i have to run one of them so won't be as much fun. I got a present from 2 customers last night which was really thoughtful of them.
My mini leaving drinks with a few friends was a right good laugh. Apart from the steak knife incident although it was pretty funny but we shouldn't laugh!! i have got pictures of the night on my phone but it is a right pain to upload them, if i get chance i'll try add them so you can see the mayhem caused in Mansfield!
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Back from the adventure
I went to Swansea for two days to try and secure myself a job! Although this was unsuccessful I managed to convince myself I am doing the wrong thing by moving 230 miles away!! Just had some more post today giving dates and times of where I need to be to enroll.....i can't even say half of these places with the 'Ll', 'W', 'V' everywhere! Plus everything for legal reasons has to be in English and Welsh means it takes me 10 minutes to figure out if I'm reading the right language!! As I'm too stubborn to say I'm not sure to anyone's face i am going to stick with it!
As I need to get to grips with the roads as I will be coming home now and again I decided to take my Dad's Sat Nav! I'm pleased nobody can hear what you say to the machines as i might get locked up for the language i used towards that one!! It took me right down the M5 across the toll bridge which cost me £5.10! Was going to go another way back but you don't have to pay coming back so i decided to get my money's worth to drive back that way!
I love Swansea well at least when i am facing the sea....when you turn around to look into the city it's pretty bad! The days are ticking away now!
As I need to get to grips with the roads as I will be coming home now and again I decided to take my Dad's Sat Nav! I'm pleased nobody can hear what you say to the machines as i might get locked up for the language i used towards that one!! It took me right down the M5 across the toll bridge which cost me £5.10! Was going to go another way back but you don't have to pay coming back so i decided to get my money's worth to drive back that way!
I love Swansea well at least when i am facing the sea....when you turn around to look into the city it's pretty bad! The days are ticking away now!
Sunday, 2 September 2007
New to this...
Well as you might have all guessed this is my first blog...I'm Natalie I have 2 sisters and a lovely little brother (who now towers above me although only 14!) I am known as Auntie Nat Nat within the family as Harriet is just starting to talk. She is my one year old niece, who is adorable (most of the time!)
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