Thursday, 13 December 2007

Off to visit Grannie!!

Me and Samantha are off to Aberdeen tomorrow to see my grandparents. We are flying...i know seems pretty lazy, but believe it or not for both of us to fly return for 6 days, it is cheaper than it would be to drive!!! Samantha has never been on a plane before so this will be interesting!! he he he.

If i have time to pack properly i am planning on taking my laptop so i can do some of the million essays i have pilling up for college! ugh! So i may keep you updated while I'm away.

Finally getting over this stupid glands thing, feeling 1000 times better than a couple of days ago. I think the rest is just what i need, no work!! woo hoo, with my sick days and now the hol i will have had nearly 2 weeks off!!

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