Sunday, 23 September 2007

I've arrived in Swansea.

I've arrived in real true Welsh weather....rain, rain and more rain. It was a pretty long drive of nearly 5 hours with more than usual annoying incompetent drivers on the roads!!!!

My flat is full of welsh people they are all locals with the furthest being half an hours drive not only an outsider I'm elderly too! They all seem pretty friendly though with 3 boys and 4 girls in the flat a nice mixture.

I couldn't get a parking space yesterday and i had to park right at the bottom of a 'hill' which felt more like a mountain while carrying all my worldly possessions up it...must have burnt a few calories though so thats the bright side.

Well what to say, we don't have any hot water for baths or to wash up in as our boiler is knackered already. The sink in the bathroom leaks and my window is covered in something which I'd rather not know what it was!!(True dirty student digs!)

My room is pretty big and has yellowy creamy coloured walls, kind of gold curtains and a beautiful brown flecked carpet. ( can you all visualise my new room?) I have a nice laver lamp which emits quite a lot of heat which i am pleasantly surprised by. (Thanks for the pressie auntie sue)

Thank you to Mum, Dad, Nana and Grandad for all the stuff you bought me and gave me to help me get set up, couldn't have done it without you. Samantha, Charlotte, Darrell, Harriet and extended family (Alan and Jason) thanks for all the bits and bobs you lot bought me too.

Thank you to all of my friends (you know who you are) Who have given me support and encouragement to do this. Thank you to everyone!

Ann I'm thinking of you and I'm never too far away, i can't imagine what you are going through I'm only a phone call away.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Glad you made it safe and sound, once you put up piccies and posters your room will be nice and cosy and 'yours'. Hope the problems with the bolier and leaky sink get sorted soon... pester the accommodation office daily and they soon get fed up and get the jobs done!
Enjoy being a fresher:)