Saturday, 10 November 2007

My luck needs to change!!

This last week has been horrendous! This all revolves around sucks ass! Thursday night I was doing the close as I have very high standards...well as high as people who work for McDonald's have lol. We were having an operations review which is extremely important to us as a store. well one staff member went home sick, the other to hospital in an ambulance...had blue lights and everything! Which finally left me with one crew member, myself and a s**t load of work to do. Needless to say I started work at 2pm Thursday and finally clocked out at 7am Friday!!

Then with less than 4 hours sleep I went back with high spirits. Although I looked like I'd been smack in the face with my puffy eyes. Finished work at 8ish, birthday get together for mum (happy 95th!) and back to work at 4.30am! I LOVE MY JOB! Well actually there must be something about it or else i still wouldn't be there would I?

My work load at college is ever more growing so better get a shift on! However on a tiny positive note I finally finished unpacking my clothes...although there is still some stuff boxed up this is a move in the right direction!!

The count down to Christmas is upon us! Must say I am a little excited!

1 comment:

Louise said...

blimmin eck!!! some shift that... you must be mad... but then we always knew that really :P

I am a little excited about christmas too:)