Well I've been home from Australia for about 3 or 4 weeks now and it is just the same as when I left. Why do you always think you are missing out on something when clearly you are not?!
Well the plan is to get rich and go back in Jan but i'm working mega hard and don't seem to be earning much!! lol. I knew $'s look more but man they go loads further too!!
The weekend before I flew home I finished my backpacking in Sydney. I jumped on a bus from the Gold Coast in Queensland and did 16 hours overnight on the bus....it wasn't half as bad as I thought. I meet my friends Naomi and Dave in Sydney and we did the tourist thing as the other two times I went I just didn't have enough time to do everything! I spilt an ice cream down my t-shirt about 10 mins after I left the hotel so I just bought a cheap t-shirt which says 'I Love Sydney!' how embarrassing!! However i was not walking a million miles to find a different shop! Also my house mate Ben text me and randomly he was in Sydney too which was ace as Ben is the bee's knees! So had a great time with my mates! :)
My main dream while I was in Sydney was to Climb the Harbour Bridge. I was going to do this no matter what and I did! It was AWESOME!!!!!!! Myself, Naomi and Ben all climbed together. Dave was too scared but too be fair Naomi did cry for a big part of the climb. It takes ages about 3.5 hours all in all to get to the top and back. The views are just stunning, I still can't believe I've not only been to Australia but that I've travelled a little and seen some much stuff! I have sooooo many stories to tell....it's just finding someone who wants to listen to them!!! lol.
Hopefully i'll be able to get myself back out there in Jan and maybe even bungee jump this time? Who knows!!!
1 comment:
HaPpY BiRtHdAy Natalie, hope you have a great one whatever you are doing:)
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