Christmas and New year were good, worked a lot but when I wasn't working we spent most of our time together as a family which was dead nice. Harriet really enjoyed this Christmas which made it even more fun for me...although i'm still like a child. She got soooooooooo much and now has about 1,000 babies, all called baby! lol . I dressed up as Santa as a bit of fun but Harriet was that scared when I knocked on the door she wet her pants...i felt awful!
I have also been trying to master guitar hero and the band one...which has lead to many laughs and many fights too! But Harriet is a master at it...well she thinks she is!! lol
Well as a birthday present to myself I have booked a flight to Australia :) :) :) I can't stop smiling!! So in a month I'll be flying out...but I only have a visa until June but I think I will be trying for a 3 year visa if everything goes to plan! I can't wait to see all my friends and I def can't wait to get some sun!!!!!
Dad and I took Harriet to feed the ducks the other day, it was lovely. She is a right little chatter box and is always asking why? What are they doing? Who is that? So I was tired fro talking not walking when we got in.