I really enjoyed my few days away.....although we didn't go to Rotterdam...We went to check in at Hull to be told we were booked on the ferry to Zeebrugge and I had NO idea where this was! I talked to a dew people to try and get us moved onto the Rotterdam ferry but we had to pay extra money and be down graded into a worse cabin! So we decided we'd go to Zeebrugge even though we didn't know where it was.
It's quite lucky we went on that boat as i ended up winning £100 on the bingo!! woohoo! I wasn't going t play as bingo is for old people and then i ended up winning. I split the money with Toni so we both had a bit of extra spending money which was nice.
The sea was soooooooooooo rough. I didn't sleep a wink the first night as it was throwing us around so much. The second night was even worse but i was that tired i had no choice but to sleep a little. All day Saturday when i got back i felt as if i was still on the sea. It's a really weird feeling.
We spent the day in Brugge, which is a gorgeous place. It reminded my a little of York. All the streets are cobbled and there are loads on grand buildings. We went on a tour of the area on a horse and carriage and then walked around for what seemed like hours as it was pretty cold.
There was, no word of a lie, 30 chocolate shops! It was amazing, so many different types and in any shape you could ever want or need them in. I bought all the boys at work naked ladies. I bought gifts for people but I must say I don't have the taste for it I still prefer Dairy Milk!!
I am without a car today..... : ( it failed it's MOT on brakes so gone to have it sorted. So i couldn't get to college.....secretly i planned it like this! So i am meant to be writing my assignment but as you can tell I'm not getting very far with it!!