Sunday, 20 January 2008

Catch up

What a mad few weeks it has been!! Firstly I'd like to say thanks for all my birthday wishes...i am now old and all people have been saying is it goes down hill from now!?! God I hope not. I received many gifts and money which I will be putting towards a holiday....which i really need right now!! Toni has paid for me and her to go on a small cruise to Rotterdam at the end of the month which I'm really looking forward too. You're only actually in Rotterdam for about 7 or 8 hours and spend the rest of the time at sea and sleeping between ports which to me sounds like something different to do. I am always going on about how I'm a little too grown up and won't let my hair down so this is something random which will hopefully be fun. So THANK YOU TONI!!! X

Apart from the madness of my birthday I have worked a million hours and also got lots and lots of college work to get to grips with. Plus I've been applying for any job I have the qualifications for so please keep your fingers crossed for me. As i am in two minds of whether or not to go back to uni as Swansea really shattered my dreams so maybe i will go in sept maybe i won't depends what comes up between now and then.

I bought my bestest mate Jason tickets to go and see High School Musical on ice for his Birthday as he likes the movies. I must was FANTASTIC! Ok it was for children but i really enjoyed myself, the skating was great the acting and singing was good too.

I have lots more to say but I have soooooo much to do. I have had the same head ache for about 2 weeks now which is really starting to suck ass. I have even been wearing my glasses to work...thats how bad it is!! So i will catch up again with everyone is a few days.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Merry 2008!

Well Happy New year to anyone I haven't already wished it too. A very uneventful evening had by a very tired me. Worked lates new years eve, managed to have 3 malibu and orange before deciding i was too old for late nights early mornings as was back to work in the AM. Although the sight of 8 greeny off looking crew members reminded me why i went to bed without getting wasted!! hahaha.

Tomorrow is my first day off since Christmas but i decided that doesn't count as everyone had it off so today has been my 13th shift in a row and man my feet ache. I am contemplating whether to stay in bed ALL day and sleep, or go shopping and spend my hard earned cash?!

I'm 21 in less than a week now...WOOHOO so i need to find clothes to wear for the night on the town. Plus its Dad's birthday on Sunday so need to get him a present.

Harriet is a little monkey although a lovely little one, she had millions of presents so it is crazy working out what to play with. She had a little play kitchen with the pots and pans etc, a shopping trolley and till so she has taken over the real kitchen, bringing us cups of tea! She now knows how to say 'Yes please' and says it at the right time, with a big smile on her sweet. I can't wait until she can really speak!!!