According to Louise I had been tagged and have to answer the following questions i think? Hope this is right!
4 Places I have worked:Well when i was young I used to deliver leaflets with my friend Amy....this really was slave labour I'm sure we had to deliver 250 for £5! We thought wow £ not at all we didn't last very long at this. My first 'real' job was in Scott's the bakery which was called the Robin Hood bakery at the time. I got an amazing £2.50 an hour and used to work Saturdays. This job was ok apart from the spider cupboard which they used to make me clean out....I HATE spiders! oh and touching meat...yak! Ding Dong Avon calling was another one of my jobs when i was about 16. This was easy money. I had a great round and always made plenty of commission. My final and present job is working for McDonald's. I have progressed up the ladder in the four years i have worked there and I am now a shift runner. The job is ok for the time being and according to my performance review I'm quite good at it?! (not sure where they got that idea from!)
4 places i have visited I didn't go on a plane until i was 18 so the first place i have got to say is Morocco. What a fantastic place. The first few days were a little alien to me but then i got the hang of it. We stayed in Agadir but visit Marrakech which took us three hours to get there, but was worth it. Although i did get heat stroke and pass out and throw up everywhere. Do you blame me it was like 45 degrees. I had a fantastic time as the place was not too touristy so you could really embrace the culture. I'd love to go back again. The follow year I went to turkey, this i did not enjoy so much. We were out there during the world cup so i enjoyed the football and the beer but not the sleazy men. I went scuba diving, white water rafting and a few other things so it was an action packed holiday but full of tourist which isn't really my thing. Although i am a tourist i know what you are thinking. This year i went away for the week with my parents and Darrell to somewhere near St. Ives so i could revise. We visited the Minack theatre and i thought this was AMAZING. If you are every there go honestly the views and the sculpting is fantastic. Also somewhere i used to visit a lot when i first started driving was the Yorkshire sculpture park I went twice with schoo and now i have been about 8. I love everything about the place. If you have never been go.
4 fav foodsYORKSHIRE PUDDINGS...can i say them four times?! No really i love Yorkshire puddings especially home made ones. Ice cream...who doesn't like ice cream. Pineapple..yummy i like it out of a tin or fresh. I love steak too especially with creamy peppercorn sauce. As you can see nothing very exciting there from me.
4 places i'd rather beIn bed...although technically i am in bed but not sleeping so i should say sleeping in bed. Somewhere, anywhere would do, on a beach in the sun with a cocktail in my hand. On the catwalk as it would mean i would be skinny!! yay!! out shopping with loads of money...but only when I'm skinny.
Think that answers all the questions.